Our family LOVES to use natural products to support our respiratory systems this time of year. The pollen is unreal, we are gardening and living amongst farm animals just adds to the stuffiness! We LOVE using essential oils to combat the symptoms. Specifically, diffusing Breathe oil is super beneficial, taking Triease capsules daily or applying Breathe oil to the chest can be incredibly supportive during the Spring months. The kids like the Breathe Vapor stick which you just rub on your chest or feet. Works just as good as the Triease capsules for them! Fight nature with nature!
With the oils, many people join with a kit so they can use oils in many areas of their life like for sleep, pollen issues, stomach concerns, pain relief and more. My favorite kit is the Home Essentials Kit which comes with a free diffuser and 10 commonly used oils in the larger bottles. Plus, you get a free consultation from me and an additional free gift to help support you. I can offer a private Facebook group for questions and my educational newsletter sent once per month. Bottom line, you will not be on your own!
If you are interested in this kit, the products listed above or just want to shop:
-First, go to MY PAGE
-Click, “join and save” at the top center of the page and choose “wholesale member”(get the deepest discount, buy at the same price I do, be eligible for points back on future purchases and more)
-Next you can shop! There are great kits and also an option to join for $35+purchase individual products. Either way you do it, you get the same pricing I do as a wholesale member. It is like joining Costco…you get to buy wholesale for one year. Then, choose to renew or not. No strings attached. Love it!