I was so excited to receive a free bottle of an “Anti-aging” blend of oils!!!
It is a FABulous essential oil blend!
Want to know why? Here are 3 reasons…
#1 Our family likes to use this one for itchy and oozy spots after working in the yard. I never know which “poison” plant gets me, but these oils stop it from spreading and dry it up immediately.
#2 This one is also amazing with reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce contributing factors to the appearance of aging skin and blemishes too. It contains frankincense, rose, myrrh and lavender which promote relaxation and helps to balance mood in addition to their benefits to our skin. So, that’s a great bonus! This blend is a great one to use after surgery topically and by inhalation.I use it nightly on my face after cleansing. You want THESE oils to be the first things hitting your skin once you get the dirt off!
#3 The blend also contains a special oil called helichrysum. A bottle of helichrysum is always in my purse for when Graden’s nose likes to randomly “gush” for no reason. Helichrysum helps us to stop the “gush” immediately and avoid my child looking like he was in a boxing match. ha! SO, this blend is my back up at home as it contains it as well.
As you can tell, we use this blend for a wide variety of reasons! The oils chosen all have multiple benefits-frankincense, myrrh, rose, hawaiian sandalwood, helichrysum, and lavender too. The anti-aging blend contains some of the more expensive oils so it is nice to get them for free all in one bottle. It is one of my favorites and I am so excited that it is part of our promo this month for new customers and also for those of us that have been using the oils for years! I like to get it once per year when it is a “freebie” and then ration it out to make it last. It comes in a roller bottle so we just dot on a small amount then spread it to conserve. Remember, you typically only need 1-2 drops of an oil. They are pure and very effective.
This one is liquid gold! Let me know if you want more info, need my link to shop to get your own bottle or if you just want to inhale my bottle to experience this one yourself! I will share a “sniff” gladly!!!